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Evina Hameeteman

I live and work in Dubai and see the good and the bad. Being here certainly is very exciting, although challenging at the same time. It took me time to get used to the culture and the lack of greenery. Overseas people think of Dubai as 'THE' place, yet I know many who do not want to stay. Overall I have noticed that whoever is here, likes Dubai for the time being, and likes it for the business opportunities. But do not want to stay long-term. Interesting!


nteresting to note - and something you momentarily touched on in the last Dubai post - is that the Middle East has served as served as a trading hub for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Ski Dubai

Do you in your opition think that Dubai can sustain such a high growth pace and what are dangers if the economy slows down.




trying to find a job in dubai, major of telecomm engeneering.

Amar Saad

I think that it's inveitable for Dubai to keep changing if it wants to survive and stay a world class city.

Some of the changes will not be pleasant for the natives but on the other hand the overall sea of change will bring a positive change to us (natives)



The biggest and coolest indor skiing center: Ski Dubai located in the Mall of Emirates!

Alemwork Kebede

I am a professional Ethiopian woman, who would like to work in Dubai.Please provide me any relevant information to realize my dream.

Best regards

Dubai Image

I am interested in finding more about the cost of living in the city. Let's say I live in a Seattle sub. = and want to maintin the same standard of living. In your oppinion how much that whoudl cost (in seattle %s).



Ski Dubai

I am interested in the stats regarding the salaries in Dubai. Any suggestions where i can look it up?




Hi John,

Coincidentally, some friends and I (all MBA grads with a couple years of consulting experience) were discussing how to find the next big thing. One of the approaches was to find a location (with focused goals, infrastructure, resources, etx) as opposed to a discrete business or technology. Dubai came up as the primary example. From your analysis, it is obvious that Dubai is bring in expats by the boatload to manage construction, services, etc. Did you get any sense for whether Dubai also had a desire for management talent at the early to mid career level or are they trying to grow that organically? Thanks and great post


Interesting to note - and something you momentarily touched on in the last Dubai post - is that the Middle East has served as served as a trading hub for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Because the Middle East contained or bordered the land bridges, passageways and narrows as well as the sheltered seas it able to connect the Eurasian/African continents.

The middle man is a role the Middle East played before its collapse. Interesting how it is now increasing its focus on replaying that role.

With the inflow of capital from oil and the correct investments there is no reason Dubai cannot become what it once was.

Great analysis.

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