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I thoroughly enjoyed both the McKinsey article and the working paper.

However, I think you have made a fundamental causal error. I think openness leads to rapid knowledge development and change rather than being more appropriate and necessary during times of rapid change.

Openness always has value but is more evident, because it is a key participant, in times of rapid change.

I find your discussion a bit fuzzy on the distinction between exploration activities, problem-solving activities and exploitation activites.

Knowledge-development begings with an interest, a curiosity, a passion -- exploration, not with a problem. We have to do a lot of poking around a domain before we begin to conceptualize problems.

Having identified key problems, we need to work toward their resolution.

Based on our growing understanding of the domain and of the various problem resolutions, we can exploit them in terms of product and process innovation.

I think the exploration stage is more self-organizing at the periphery and things become more structured as the focus becomes more specific.

I continue to be stimulated by your thoughts. Thanks for he open sharing.

John T. Maloney

John + John --

Great thought leadership. Thanks.

We've also been pursuing these transorganizational creation networks for about a decade.

The main exponent is the concept and model of value networks and value network analysis.

These rapidly developing open content offerings are under the aegis of the Value Network Clusters. See:


Today, the VN Clusters are leading the worldwide conversations concerning creation and innovation nets through its distributed action/research network. All are welcome. The European Value Networks Summit in Amsterdam was recently concluded. Other distributed events may be found at the website.



Charlie Wood

I think the link to your new article is wrong. I was able to find it at http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/article_abstract_visitor.aspx?ar=1766&L2=21&L3=35.

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