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Dr. Tim Lynch

well, I was the 1st to discover this "accidental learning" in academic research, so nice blog article. yes, gaming and interacting with a computer does transfer knowledge over to real life because that is essentially how we are wired. we learn by interaction and by observing and by participating.

World of Warcraft Cheats

Makes sense to me.

Subbaraman Iyer

I think as a society we have often placed a premium on the education or the teaching or the knowledge approach rather than the learning approach. Often the teaching approach has thrived at the expense of the learning approach.

Most learning is predicated not just by the cognitive understanding of the issue, but of a deeper sense of internalisation. And this process of internalisation often occurs under mysterious ways -- be it through an accident or accidental or through just serendipity.

John Cass

It is important to continue learning past educational institutions. I think that social media such as blogs and other technologies are making it easier to learn more, quickly and easily. The challenge for any educational entity is how to harness social media learning. We have online courses, but if someone is pushing the envelope with knowledge through his or her work on a blog, how can a college accredit that?


A very well written post. I agree gaming builds up the skills of learning and how to use one’s imagination to read across boundaries. It teaches the classic deviations of virtual world versus the typical learning environment. Gaming develops disposition of play, flexible attitudes and innovative thinking. Here I must make a mention that today the importance of games in teaching is well realized and appreciated in the Elearning industry as well. Elearning tools like Raptivity are being immensely used by course developers to create learning interactions consisting of maze games, tic-tac toe, treasure hunt besides jig-saw puzzles, brain teasers, simulations etc. and these can be added conveniently to the elearning content. Raptivity promotes rapid interactivity for effective learning through games and with highly interactive content, learning experiences become memorable and dropout levels go down amongst the learners. Though I have slight different thoughts on the writer’s views of MMOGs and simulation based games, but undoubtedly, it is a great article having a unique blend of Games, innovation and learning. Kudos!):


I would recommend to everyone involved in learning and development to focus on face-to-face interactions. Computers and the games on them are addicting and lead to lower patience and the inability to focus. Well thought-out face-to-face training will blow away video training, computer training, and wow. Too many learning theorists are busy trying to predict the future instead of focusing on current needs. Let's stop that. Please!




I agree, there are number of tools on web to interact.

Vera Bass

"...navigate across the edges of niches and help us to see and connect with resources deeply embedded in distant niches."

I agree that this is exactly the challenge and opportunity at hand, and would add that depth is the critical component not yet widely understood and addressed. Although there are increasingly more tools for interaction on the web these days (outside of gaming), they are yet disappointingly limited. What excitement for creating new experiences this naturally engenders. :)


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