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Just a couple of minutes, drawn by a blog post while searching for something else (a book on GoogleBooks to read online, due to the fact that currently without paid job, the internet is my source of learning in large part), I found myself here.

The extended way of "finding" this post: http://www.diigo.com/user/ralflippold/edgeperspectves

Researching very much in the same field whereas my background is slightly different. Being pulled by the story of the Hunt Brothers on their silver buys back in 1980 I wanted to become a stock broker. Entered a apprenticeship at a bank in the mid-80s, only to shift from the banking and brokerage perspective after a sticking experience during an internship at Merill Lynch, Frankfurt/Main, in 1989. Being invited for pizza with some of the colleagues to a pizza place next I learned that for the three of us they spent 300,- Deutsche Mark (!) - this was the Turning Point.

I shifted the focus towards wanting to the creating value at the tangible level, and found myself studying economics, and business administration with a focus on production logistic, innovation, strategic and exponential information technologies.

It took not long to learn about Lean Thinking and creatively turning challenges into value-creating future chances.

Interesting to see how much we as a world society have moved since the days of 2007 - still pretty much on the horizontally looking part of the exponential curve of change that information technology is already changing in large part. Otherwise I would have never found this article by you John!

The challenge is that, in my perception, and experience the "Red Queen" is even more prevalent in board rooms, institutions than was in 2007. Now as the changes become inevitable, and are shared in various networks (not so much in the traditional media as the print media, or television rather on all "free to use" social networks, which enables a collaboration, and knowledge flows across boundaries of time, space, disciplines, cultures and different speeds of change.

Happy New Year to you John, John, and David for not only writing a most compelling book "The Power of Pull" but pulling us all into the FUTURE of what is POSSIBLE by taking SMART SMALL STEPS

In my own words this is the Road to #abundance via #LeanThinking :-)

Cheers, and looking forward bring our research findings together


T S Venkatakrishnan

I liked the idea of staying with the question and the emphasis on the act of framing the question correctly.

As per citations in the post, each researcher including yourself seem to need new phrases (example - Red queen effect etc) to describe what we see.

As Chris Argyris pointed out about single loop and double loop learning, there seems to be a need for a more robust language constructs to express analysis and intent; Like societies, may be one day businesses will need to be valued in terms of how evolved and developed they are on the strength of the "language in action"..

Great Post..Best wishes for the research center.

Javier Cabrerizo

Very deep questions indeed.
One angle I would love to see explored here that probably is an amalgamation of several of your questions is: Will firms adopt a Wikipedia type of innovation approach? If we're moving away from push programs and there is a permanent non equilibrium, how are corporate structures adapting? From me perspective, what I call the Wikipedia style assumes:
1- that an innovation is rolled out when it's not finished,
2- letting other constituents finish the job and actually influence it's direction
3- loosing control of it's evolution
Are companies ready for that? How does this affect the monetization of innovations? What are the implications to IPRs?

Greg Lowes

This is very interesting research, that hopefully will spur an exponential growth in understanding the 'new world economy' that surrounds us all - yet alludes our ability to actually 'see' it.

A very good taxonomy of and for Ecosystems may be a major catalyst for the research to open our eyes and intellect. A poor taxonomy could potentially blind us permanently!

Perhaps beginning with a comparison between what we CAN see now - the Value Chain based economy - with this pervasive "Ecosystem" economy would be instructive.

John Horrigan

I wanted to share some reactions to your recent blog posting.

• If firms will increasingly have to bundle and unbundle to adapt to shifting equilibria, then coalition building is likely to be at the center of business strategy. The questions then become: Under what conditions do coalitions form? What sustains them? There is, as you may know, a literature on this, a good bit of it pioneered by Avner Greif at Stanford, as well as Paul Milgrom. One part of the answer to the sustainability of coalitions is the flow of information among participants. These flows create and manage expectations, and provide an avenue for enforcing cooperation (e.g., working out problems that arise in ensuring proper commitment to a goal when benefits are uncertain and out into the future).
• If the cost of assembling and maintaining networks that enable information flows has fallen (relative to 20-25 years ago), then it should be easier to create coalitions. Sure – if a coalition is created when the value of its expected benefit exceeds the costs of keeping it together (with communication networks being one of the costs), then we should see, in the internet age, more coalitions, or other collaborative forms of business organization.
• Although this seems sensible with respect to the creation of coalitions, the issue of the sustainability of coalitions is another matter. This, it seems to me, is an important research question: If coalitions, what you term “networks of creation” or “economic webs”, are the best hope for capturing value, what sustains them?
• Part of the answer to that question lies, I believe, in looking at online user behavior. If talent is increasingly important, more decentralized (yet “assemblable” at lower cost than in the past), then users are likely to play a role in supporting & sustaining coalitions. Research from the Pew Internet Project (where I work) sheds light on some relevant user behavior, namely the user-generated content phenomenon, the size of the population of those who truly embrace Web 2.0, and the sense among users that the wealth of digital information contributes to a sense of empowerment across several realms (e.g., civic/political participation, health care). However, we don't know much about the mechanisms which might bring these diffuse behavioral patterns to bear on assembling and sustaining coalitions. That, it seems to me, is an important research issue to address.


Your framework basically addresses the issue of value creation or perhpas said differently-differential advantage. Issues appear particularly germaine to your new sponsors at Deloitte. Will be interesting to see how your research indirectly shapes the strategy at Deloitte.

David Phillips

If the nexus of contracts (Coase) or nexus of conversations (Sonsino) do not fit the bill, nexus of relationships does.

Relationships, the convergent value systems held at a time between actors, resolves a number of your questions. Relationships do not have to be easy and are also edgy (dissonant values in otherwise common value systems).

Relationships (based on a common value system conceptualisation) seem to be the only common asset in your questions.

Barry Richards at Bournemouth (UK) and I will be looking at this as a research topic this Autumn.

Hemant Puthli

Interesting compilation of questions - I think they cover most of the issues the global economy is facing today.

My 2 cents: I would venture to postulate that at the root of most trends observed, is 'free market anarchy'. Increasing empowerment at the edge is leading to a collapse of authoritarian, process- and rule- centric institutions, and the emergence of libertarian, knowledge- and service- centric open markets of individuals / small enterprises. I don't think this rather nebulous subject has been studied in adequate depth. I believe such a study would be necessary to better understand the ecosystems and architectures of the world of the future as they evolve. At the very least, it is necessary to develop a taxonomy through an ontological study of such phenomena. Concepts like 'governance', 'regulation', 'management' require an object or an entity (which will be governed / regulated / managed) and a fresh approach to management necessitates a new framework for understanding and classifying these objects or entities.

You talked about a 'desperate' need for a taxonomy. Do you plan to develop one as part of your research agenda?

Raimo van der Klein

Wow..Those really are the questions..

I believe that large structures cannot be maintained in a fast changing place. (from solid to gas)

Thrive for excellence in small cells..

From profit to purpose orientation

Inclusion/adoption is only generated by focus on sentiment. Jointly make wishes come true..

David J. Miller

Really great questions and glad to see that this is taking shape. The question of measuring success is important at the individual level as well. The recent focus on positive psychology (happiness) and the rise in individuals choosing or desiring self employment/entrepreneurship speaks to need for some kind of new measurement.

Individuals seem to be doing it on their own, but some kind of new language/metrics would be helpful. Salary/income is not as instructive as it once was.

William RAISER

I would shift from "adaptation" to "co-evolution." This implies a more active role on both sides of the equation.

I would also question the fundamental purpose of an enterprise. Profit? No. Societal wealth generation, i.e., a better society for all. What does this suggest in terms of enterprise organization?

If joy in work represents one key aspect of societal wealth creation, what does that suggest for enterprise organization?

In a world where national boundaries count for less and less, what will it mean for business to take the lead in societal development issues such as: climate change, sustainable development, global health-care...

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