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Cassandra Vert

I agree with Tree Frog, people have sorted themselves into like-minded groups since forever. The key is whether you also want to expose yourself to other views and other ways of life. The internet makes that easier and cheaper than ever before, but the internet can't do it for you.

Tree Frog

No. Diversity is not the key.

The key is being able to continually scan for good things in whatever form they come in. They're hard to spot, come in as yet unknown forms and are obscured by diversions and confirmation biases.


the big sort is totally normal, been going on forever.

travel to any asian city, there are neighborhoods based on religion, or craft, or caste, or type of goods sold, the brass beaters quarter, etc.

in fact modernity is creating the opposite, land developers building large complexes destroy neighborhoods.

the true sort is state of consciousness, and high or low are found in many wealth/education/status groups.

guess i am saying the distinctions are a bit spurious.

enjoy, gregory lent


I haven't read The difference so I can't comment on that. But micro-clusters or clustering of people in particular physical and virtual locations does not imply that these markets are less serviceable. Actually, they may be more serviceable because they can be known, and addressed (in a marketing sense). Assimilation-contrast theory has been around for years, and people do naturally seek out "people like us". Perhaps it is a longing for stability (of societal view, or personal self image). A point i think reflecting on is that of culture of interaction that influences the depth, nuance and granularity of inter-personal, group, and organisational interaction. There is a big difference between walking into a shop and saying "nice day, hope the weather holds out", and "I see your kids are working in the shop, must be good to have them working so close" etc. So as well as having the "opportunity for interaction", perhaps there is some merit in looking at interaction styles and their effect on innovation. I think it would throw up some insights. Looking forward to hearing more from you on this theme.


Excellent article!

You clearly identify a real pattern ask some very interesting questions about this pattern.

I'd love to hear what do you think are the "ways" that people in general can make this seemingly extremists associations into something good. How can we all benefit from that?

Michael Massey


The Big Sort was exemplified over the past two weeks with the dichotomies of the two national political conventions and the intensification of the Culture Wars over any likely Policy Wars. But, then, who decides? :)


Saria Nadeem

Yes, diversity is the key!

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