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Tom Hood

Love your post and I agree that the Great Reset does compliment the Big hit from your book, The Power of Pull. I just finished reading 'Pull' which was recommended to me by one of my 'edge' friends. i highly recommend your book to anyone trying to understand the 'weak' signals of disruptive change going on and what you should do about them. The coxncept of moving from push to pull is a great organizing principle to think about what's coming.

My key takeaway from this post (and our book and this one) is that wea re living through the death of the industrial world and truly entering an age of knowledge (as Seth Godin put it at a Re-Set Business Conference this year).

I think the message of where and who you hang out with can be extended to your social network(s) and all of the places you can access via travel, virtual, and where you live. The point is, as you make in your book, to insure you have multiple-surfaces and can connect to the edges in a addition to your core. Don't let your core completely define or control your interactions.

J Shek

Excellent post and excellent book! JShek, MHead, MA

Gavin Heaton

I'm interested to know how geography and virtuality plays out in the type of thinking. For example, are we seeing the emergence of new economically empowered spaces? Or are these blogs, websites and platforms reinforcing our sense of locale?

Will have to buy the book!

Bob Fergen

If large metropolitan areas are the answer then they must gradually be redeveloped into cities of villages.
Areas within the cities that give a more ecologically friendly environment. See my website www.pyraform.com


I'm inclined to agree, in cases where big cities become more entrepreneur-friendly and less dependent on far-flung supply chains.

Otherwise, they are likely to see outflows of the "creative class" to small communities that offer high quality of life, favorable business climates, and energy/food sources less vulnerable to disruption. John Robb's upcoming book on Resilient Communities - based on trends charted in his "Global Guerillas" blog - provides a thoughtful counterpoint to Florida's optimism.


Mark Frazier

Joe McCarthy

Interesting. I've added The Great Reset to my "toread" list (along with The Power of Pull).

I was recently listening to a recording of a talk given by Malcolm Gladwell in Seattle last January on Who is Successful, Why?, based on his book, Outliers (which I have read, but it's been out for a while). Gladwell talks about the often unrecognized or unacknowledged ingredients of individual success, only one of which is within our control: the socio-economic class into which you are born, your birthday, and your attitude.

Your review of Florida's book suggests that the place you live may be another key ingredient in your prospects for success, and that is another factor largely within our control.

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