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Rob Leavitt

Thanks John -- A great and provocative post. I love the focus on employee passion, challenges, and connecting. In the B2B tech space, where I spend most of my time, there's a clear difference between companies like EMC, Cisco, and IBM, which are trying to push and pull their enormous communities in this direction, and the larger number of firms that are dabbling in social media but not fundamentally addressing the larger issues you cite. It certainly ain't easy but I'm sure you're right that the winners and losers in the coming years will increasingly be defined by their approach to employees and culture.


Has your research highlighted any companies or other organizations who buck the trend of size predicting passion? Does size *have* to predict passion, or does it just happen to?


#pastefail in that last comment... but I think you'll get my point :-)


Having just read John Hagel's 2010 update on the Shift Index, it was interesting to see the growing focus on passion and the addition of the connecting disposition to the questing disposition.

As our institutions have been built on production oriented models where humanity is subservient, passion is definitely an underdog. In my experience, it is particularly challenging to those who have established themselves in institutional careers but have yet to realize their version of success in their career path. On the other hand, those recently retired and those yet to establish themselves seem most eager to embrace the notion, language, and role of passion. To me it indicates that this hits right at the core of a person's identity and sense of worth. Brene Brown has some interesting research on vulnerability that relates to this.

Strategically then, nurturing passion in the workplace is a tricky task. Both the culture and individuals at an institution's core are likely to deeply resist - even if officially endorsed. Nurturing individual rediscovery of passion and then letting it weave its way into our organizations, institutions, and society seems to be the opportunity. How that happens will be interesting to observe. It's clearly critical to our future and, I believe, will prove to be one of the most interesting social phenomena in our history.


Thank you, great material to open the thinking throttle and act. From stocks to flows, from sustainability to thrivability. (Thanks, Jean, for this word).

Reminds of a motivational workshop opening question: What is the first step to achieve motivation?

Silence. None of us young managers knew...

Reduce or remove the factors of de-motivation.

RJ Johnson - 21st Century Appreciative Inquiry

Thank you! We are currently working on our Computer Science departmental vision and mission statements. My hope is that at least the vision statement reflects our passion. The research you are providing will help save the day, and the future as well.
Again, thank you.
Best regards,
RJ Johnson

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