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Fenia Petran

John, your wonderful article helped me learn a lot about myself.

It is the passion of the explorer, motivating us to make a long-term commitment to a specific domain.
And as you say, personal narratives are forward looking - they draw us out of the past and the present and focus us on the opportunities ahead.

Thank you!

Lev Joffe

Thank you for providing a deeper look into the shaping of your own personal narrative. I find your reflective approach very compelling and easy to relate to, especially given my own experience with strategy consulting and a search of personal narrative.

A couple of questions that you may consider for the continuation of this theme:

- What was the process of changing your personal narrative once you discovered it and realized that it needs to be different in order to realize your full potential?

- How do you see this idea being applied on the institutional level? Is this about the personal narratives of leaders, or can/should companies have their own narratives?

- Do you believe that reflective approach to personal narrative can succeed for many people, given that you wrote it can be a long and painful process?

I certainly hope you’ll continue exploring this theme further and look forward to reading your next post.

monika hardy

what do you have. what do you need. ness.

Joe McCarthy

I am further inspired by your expanded personal narrative here.

In your last post, I was uncomfortable with the question "How could others help me to achieve even more impact and what's in it for them?", as I interpreted this as being somewhat narrowly cast as a call to leadership [of others].

Through the further details you've shared here, and re-reading your earlier post, I now see this as more of a call to interconnectedness: how can we help each other address our respective needs in ways that are mutually supportive ... a theme I find more resonant (so perhaps this is simply a projection).

I share your belief in the power of personal narratives, or as I sometimes think of them, the stories we make up about ourselves, and yet I've been languishing between stories for a while now.

Your two recent posts are motivating me to re-engage in more personal reflection, with an enlarged perspective ... an edge perspective, perhaps. Thank you for that.

Hugo Skoppek

Dear John,

I got here via your tweet "I've gone deeper into my personal narrative in my latest post. Am I sharing too much? Is it TMI?"

As far as the latter is concerned, no it is not TMI. To the contrary. I believe that it is important to open up for us men - in particular business men - to get in touch again with our feelings at work and about work.

I say this because I have several friends who portray themselves differently on a public podium than on a private walk under four eyes. I am not a psychologist, but to me this almost borders on split personalities. Coincidentally, I am also becoming more aware of articles in the media about business leaders being linked to being psychopaths.

In this context, I believe that it is good to talk about these issues to become whole again. And whole we need to be. Not just for ourselves as self-relient human beings, but also as individuals in a society of fellow humans. I know, that I am not alone in not trusting others, when empathy is absent.

And doesn't our world function on trust. Even business does!

So as far as I am concerned, you are well on the way of becoming. I am not sure whether a public blog is the right medium. But we shall see. Fact is that by talking about it something happens for you as well as for others. My work as a dialogue facilitator has shown that the effects are usually positive, even though they are not always immediately recognized.

Keep up the good work


You unwittingly provided a wonderful example of learning: "When I first heard the term “walking on eggshells”, I knew immediately what it meant." It strikes me as a wonderful example that this was something, which was not taught to you.

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