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While reading articles written by Steve Denning, a contributor to Forbes, I have learned a lot of insights from John Hagel III. In a comment under Mr. Denning's article "Can A Big Old Hierarchical Bureaucracy Become A 21st Century Network?," that doesn't involves Mr. Hagel, I wrote 8 month ago: " Dear Steve Denning Thank you for your view of the current situation that prevent Agile approaches and the change you infer that emerged from the Occupy movement. I guess the promise of e-government may be viewed from a technological revolution or from an information revolution perspective. If the invention of the printing press was what enable in due time the declaration of independence of many states, of which the Constitution of the United States is one of the best examples of a lasting design, I conjectured earlier that e-government will be the result of a declaration of interdependence. By looking at the examples of the nimble networks, presidents will no have the power they [have] today. I know many questions might spring from the conjecture, but the key one might be if it would lead, for example, to interdependence wars?"

In that light, I am testing the following hypothesis: "As Piketty's inequality is due to Feudalism corrupting capitalism, Can we transform capitalism to go for a Golden Age, like Luther reformed Catholicism to get out of the Middle Ages?" So far I have received comments in the Linkedin groups of the SSIT in http://lnkd.in/ehteX6N which right now has 8 comments and of the IEEE Spectrum in http://lnkd.in/diWy8t9 with 2 comments also so far.

That's why I am surprised reading about a Declaration of Independence. I have at least three arguments about Interdependence. While it is certainly true, what is written to support independence in "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for individuals to dissolve the institutional bands which have connected them with another," Isn't it also true when 'connected' is replaced with 'disconnected,' for example, about the disconnected people that live at the Bottom of the Pyramid.

In addition, as the late Steven R. Covey told us: "the greatest human achievements come from people working at the third level, interdependence. This is when people work together to achieve a common goal, and is the level of maturity of many people in a mature society or organization. This is how mankind has achieved things together that no single person could do alone. Interdependence is the state of human development of greatest maturity and power." That's the underlying reason why I wrote, for example, the blog post "Scotland’s independence got around the world before its interdependence got its pants on ( http://bit.ly/522GMH )."

Further, the also late Peter F. Drucker wrote, we are only in the Fourth Information Revolution, on which I understand that very deeply that interdependence is as important, as it was the Third for independence. It is that huge difference that Cartesian thinking of independence let´s us go to Systemic or Peircian (after the American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce) thinking of interdependence. That shift is also about the emergence of what I have been naming the systemic civilization that's now doing what the industrial civilization did to the agricultural civilization.

José Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio, Ph.D.
Consulting engineer on electric sector systems architecting.



Fenia Petran


This is a visionary approach to replacing our current higher education system.
And it basically extends your smart philosophy from the Edge. Outstanding, really brilliant.

Martijn Linssen

De-institutionalisation FTW! Well put John. I especially like the matriarchical touch. Where do I sign?


Thanks John for once again articulating clearly and passionately a new and adaptive set of capacities for individual and collective (institutional)behaviors. I am all in!


Please add my John Hancock to your manifesto!

Joris Claeys

Fully endorsing the idea to focus our energy on building the new. Thanks John




I essentially did same many years ago John, and have been working towards systems that attempt to do much the same, realizing that many large institutions will be with us for our duration anyway. The only couple issues I see in first scan is that one person's passion can be and often is another's poison--some very destructive passions out there, and feminine qualities are not necessarily better. I support the intent but not the outcomes that still scar in both.

But important message is spot on--and timely as the founding docs are full of such wisdom. We are all born into this world as individuals--rare case of conjoined twins, and we all leave this life as individuals. While our social and organizational relationships are obviously critical, the mutually beneficial relationships (worth keeping) are those that recognize this frankly genius found in the U.S. structure.

As radical as it sounds, you and I both know it isn't--the best managed organizations and leaders embrace much the same philosophy.

I happen to know of a great system that does just this -- Vint Cerf found the misspelled word in the patent, and just this week in WSJ said something like "orgs are finally realizing how important adaptive data can be. NLP & AI may well make the Internet far more of value than it is today".

I first started discussing our R&D with Vint back in mid-90s…

Good work John and nice contribution. I hope the cure is as viral as the disease has been -- we'd really have something to celebrate then.


Mark Montgomery
Founder & CEO

Jon Husband

I'll sign that. The last sentence is pretty clear.

Does that mean you yourself are getting pretty tired of "business more or less as usual" ?

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