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Very interesting. If it's not obvious, how do you tell whether your business landscape is concentrating or fragmenting?

Matt Mayevsky

Great article. Ten years ago I dealt with research on co-operation as a factor in the competitiveness of companies. Next year I will return to this topic. The article is inspiring. Thank you.

Fenia Petran

Here are my answers to the four questions on CEO's agenda:

a) Am I focused on portions of the business landscape that are concentrating or fragmenting?
- Yes.
b) Am I participating in ecosystems that will help me to amplify the value that I am delivering to the market?
- Yes.
c) Am I sufficiently focused on the core competencies that will drive competitive success?
- I think so. But I'm ready to do everything possible to improve these core competencies and also to develop new, related skills and competencies.
d) Am I doing everything I can to accelerate and scale learning so that I won’t be blindsided in an exponential world?
- I'm ready to do everything I can to accelerate and scale learning.

"You need to build relationships that will make it easier for you to access the tacit knowledge that others have and then focus those relationships on addressing really challenging performance issues".
- I hope very much that I already found the right relationships that I want and I need and that we'll be able to address challenging issues and opportunities, together, in the future.

Rashmir Balasubramaniam

John, I particularly appreciate the systems perspective you have brought to what many can sense, but haven't yet been able to make sense of. Your framing of the shift, and your calling out the key questions is helpful for those of us in big and small businesses alike.

I wonder whether your reference to 'competitive success' is really more a question of co-operative success.

As much of my work is with leaders of social change (in business and philanthropy), there are a few more questions that jump out for me/my clients:

* How might I/we catalyze and strengthen supportive ecosystems the purpose/impacts we are focused on? (This of course presumes that some analysis is done of the industries involved and the implications for whether they are predominantly concentrating or fragmenting.)

* How might I/we accelerate and scale learning at the ecosystem level?

* Where might there be opportunities to leapfrog the shifts, and how to we identify and best support those most likely to be able to make the most of these opportunities?

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