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KRW Lawyers

If talented people were guaranteed the healthcare and education they need to have long and fulfilling careers, they would be less tentative about contingent, gig, and consulting work. They could have flexibility without jeopardizing their long-term economic health.

Albert Cerveró

Hi John,
Great insight on this freaky subject. I congratulate the discovery of the gig workgroups, this would be my more desired way of work because many ideas come to my head and devoting myself to only one of them would take away my joy. How Innocentive or other webs have been adapted to this interesting concept of work? and what you think will be the business model more suited to this concept?
Thanks in advance,

Michael Thiel

The sustainability of this model and its future development will depoend on how gig jobs get paid. Currently many creative gig workers are paid miserably , belog to the precariat and will belong to the group of pensioneers without health care and enough resources to make a living. But they become increasingly aware and will use groups and social movements to oppose this future


Hi John,

if I had to bet on a future state of the economy & work, I'd put my money on exactly the scenario you fleshed out.

Recently I came to the same conclusion when tackling the problem from the opposite side. In a piece called The Company of the Future I looked at current trends (the gig economy among them) which I consider indicative.

Adding to your points, I think that Microservices & APIs as well as Blockchains are also important enablers for such a decentralized economy.

However, having all that said I think two things mustn't be underestimated:

1. The resilience of the current system. For a myriad of reasons, any timeline will be considerable longer than we'd hope for (in case we consider such a scenario desirable).

2. It's a social challenge. Such an economy is all well and good when the dividends are distributed fairly (note: that's not equally). However, if most of the profit is captured by central platforms - as is the current trend in tech businesses - then the outlook is much bleaker.

Lust but not least here's the link to the piece I mentioned before: https://medium.com/digital-hills/the-company-of-the-future-2220e96c8a6a#.i92gczihe


How about the abundance economy?

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