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Bruce Howell

Yes, I agree its all in the numbers and I believe 2020 will be a historic year. I've been seeing 888 alot and believe my big project im currently working will end my financial struggles. Looking forward to 2020. Cheers!

Tony Crewdson

John...as always your thinking is provocative and on-point. The concept of Opportunity Narratives is just beautiful.

Markus Endler

John, thank you very much. A really inspiring text. Yes, let's move from collective fear to collective passion.

Al Blixt

John, There is so much here to inspire a better understanding of our world. Great job. I would point out that repeated digits occur every 100 years. Consider 1010 1111,1212,1313, ...1818 and 1919.

    Small groups focused on impact
will reach greater impact when trust is growing into evolutionary friendships, where people care as much for each other's well-being and well-becoming as their own.
    The opportunity-based narratives
need the passion of those explorers who want to work on the greatest opportunity: liberating the social creativity of labor from the regimes of command-givers and command-takers.
will help us to scale impact when they spawn communities of practice that grow into systems of influence.
are slowly coalescing into issue-oriented ecosystems, waiting for the emergence of a new breed of ecosystem catalysts working for civilizational renewal.

John, here's a bit to the symbology of the 20, from the Native American tradition: the Sacred Twenty Count.


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